The Successful Network Marketing System… Have You Found It?The Network Marketing System, or “System”, as we like to call them in the network marketing profession have become the cornerstone to real network marketing success.It’s true; every leader is always pitching their “network marketing system” as the perfect one. The one that is finally going to help you create the online success you have been dying to achieve. As a network marketer, you know how valuable finding the proper one is. But what do you look for while seeking the one that is best for you?There are so many options out there to choose from, so, what’s the best one? That’s a really good question… The best answer I can come up with is that one network marketing system will work best for one particular company and may not be so great for another.The fact is we live in a very diverse world. There is no one network marketing system that is perfect for any company. Eventually, it will be discovered that something is simply missing for the needs of a particular company where it meets all the needs and expectations of another. There is a lot of grey area in-between.So let’s check out three important factors in what to look for in…The Successful Network Marketing System.The first one we’ll touch on is..1. EASE OF USE – does it play nice?Let’s face it, we all want things that make our lives easier. If we get bogged down with complexity, we’re bound to lose interest fast. Also, it’s very important that as we bring other network marketers into our organization and want to give them the proper tools for success, they will need something that has a short learning curve and most importantly, is easily duplicated.A formula of successful duplication is key to any successful network marketing system. Without it, a new user is going to grow frustrated quickly. If they don’t simply give up and quit, they will start to do things outside of the proven success formula that will soon lead them to certain failure. They will lose valuable money, time and possibly respect for you if you are the one who got them involved with such a complicated system. Eventually, they will likely quit, and you will be at risk of becoming part of their new story about their experience in network marketing, and why it doesn’t work. Network marketing systems that have “Ease of use”, are integral to your success, your team’s success and ultimately, the success of your business.While working in corporate America, I used a very well known “system” that my employer provided. The system had to be heavily manipulated in order to get the result I was looking for and to stay on focus with the company identity. It was a generic system that could literally be dispatched in any field of business because it was generic. It was simply a system, for the sake of having a system.The creator of the system boasted of its versatility, and it really is when properly pre-setup. But leaving it up to each user to manipulate the system simply caused frustration. It was mandatory to use this system yet many employees would eventually decide to risk reprimand for not using it rather than trying to make nice with it anymore.The next successful network marketing system factor is…2. FOCUS – will it be consistent in branding – you?This really comes down to the internal tools that the network marketing system employs and makes fully available to you, the end user. Is it directly focused on what your business is or is it generic? Will it assist you in specifically targeting the niches you are going after? Since we rarely have complete control over the system our company provides, does the system support your exact marketing focus? In other words, if you are selling product #1, does it provide support (i.e. pre-made templates, campaigns, etc.) specifically for product #1 or is it vague in its focus? And if your business has several products, will it do the same for each product consistently? Does it create and provide consistency with your growing brand?And the third successful network marketing system factor is…3. PRICE – will it drain your wallet before you can use it?Does paying more for something necessarily mean that it’s going to be better? Let’s say you want to remodel your kitchen. You should always get at minimum, 3 estimates and always ask for references of each contractor. Often times, the higher priced contractor will be reluctant to give you their references yet they are the one to put on the most pressure to get you sign on the dotted line today to have them do the work. Why is this? Because quite often, they know that they have over promised and under delivered their customers. They have zero confident in the kind of recommendation their past customer may give.All too often people think the phrase; “You Get What You Pay For” is gospel. So they go with the higher priced contractor thinking they are going to get the best work done, when the contractor who charged in the middle has created such a loyal and devoted customer base because of his superb craftsmanship, he realizes charging more, doesn’t always equate to more money. Having multiple referrals and repeat customers who really do the selling for him does. He knows exactly what his customers are saying about him and he happily gives you as many references as you would like.Will you get huge value out of your brand new network marketing system at its basic level? Or will you need to upgrade in order for it to start assisting you to produce the desired results? This is a common problem found with many network marketing systems out there as well.Often heard:”Join our business for as little as $__.__ and use our high tech, industry leading network marketing system to catapult your business into success you’ve never thought possible!”Within minutes of processing your payment you’re being told that in order to get the maximum results from the network marketing system you just bought, you will need to upgrade! Or you’re being pitched on four other money making opportunities to join which in turn, breaks the basic fundamentals of factor #1!FACT: Your new network marketing system should be ready made to get you going and start being profitable quickly, at any level of entry. The only reason to upgrade would be to put you in a position to PROFIT EVEN MORE! It should be there as a tool to success and not a distraction from it. It needs to be simple yet full featured and allows you to focus on becoming profitable, NOT trying to figure out how to use it. You control it, not the other way around. The best network marketing system is the system that will be working for you even… when you’re not working!If there was such a network marketing system that was very easy to use, maintained focus and consistently branded you, had a very low acquisition cost and could get you making money quickly? That would be one powerful network marketing system!If you actually owned this system and other people wanted access to it so that they could experience the same benefits? But the only way they could, was to get it directly from you? Even if they didn’t join your network marketing opportunity, they could still get the system from you and you would still make money without them joining? Now that would be an extremely powerful network marketing system!